New Parkinson’s exercise class at Village’s Sportsplex

Originally published April 21, 2016

The Village of Orland Park Sportsplex will host a Parkinson’s exercise class.

Village Fitness Manager Deborah Geghen said that the class is tailored for those with Parkinson’s disease and will focus on improving mobility in individuals suffering from the disease.

“The Recreation Department’s Parkinson’s class is one of the many ways that the village is working to meet the different fitness needs of the community,” said Trustee Pat Gira, chair of the village’s Recreation and Parks committee.

The village’s Sportsplex offers strengthening programs with postural awareness, breathing, balance and rhythmical movement.

“We wanted to start this class because I felt there is a need in the community for this type of program,” Geghen said. “It’s very important to keep moving and active with Parkinson’s. This is the perfect opportunity to give people a safe and fun environment to do exactly this.”

Instructor Christa Abromawicz will teach the new class.

“Exercise is an important part of healthy living for everyone,” she said. “For people with Parkinson’s, exercise is more than healthy — it is a vital component to maintaining balance, mobility and the ability to perform activities of daily living.”

Abromawicz offered research from the Parkinson’s Outcomes Project that shows that people with Parkinson’s who exercise a minimum of 2.5 hours a week experienced a slowed decline in quality of life. Establishing early exercise habits is an essential part of overall disease management.

To help manage Parkinson’s symptoms, exercise programs should include a few key ingredients including flexibility (stretching) exercises; aerobic activity; and resistance training or strengthening exercises.

The village’s class will meet 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, May 2 to June 29 with no classes on May 30 or June 1. The cost is $100 for village residents, $150 for non-residents and $95 for Sportsplex members.

Geghen added that everyone is invited to the village’s annual Sportsplex Family Health Fair from 9 a.m. until noon on Saturday..

Geghen said, “We bring in a number of health related vendors and will be offering screenings and information for the whole family,” Geghen said. “We offer activities for the entire family so everyone is invited to stop in on April 23.”

For more information, call (708) 645-7529 or visit the village’s Sportsplex at 11351 West 159th St..

Fundraising at Shady Oaks Camp

Shady Oaks Camp (SOC), 16300 Parker Road in Homer Glen, is a facility that offers a two-to-eight week summer experience for people with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and other disabilities.

The SOC is fully supported by the parent group that utilizes the facility. Parents fundraise; donate time and energy in order to gain “points” that transfer into time at the camp.

Shady Oaks Camp Dir. Scott Steele talked about some upcoming fundraisers to benefit the SOC and its campers.

For their eighth annual dinner dance, the theme will be The Great Gatsby. Beginning at 6 p.m. Friday at Orland Chateau, 14500 LaGrange Road, the festivities include silent auctions, raffles, dinner, drinks, and dancing. So dust off those flapper dresses and shine those oxfords and get ready for a roaring good time! For tickets, contact Sallie at (708) 404-1172 or email

With the help of volunteers, the group also will be building a wishing well/ fountain in the center of the camp. The group also plans to construct a memorial brick path leading to the well. Partnering with Polar Engraving, the group will be selling engraved bricks for the walkway to help fund the group.

“By purchasing a brick, you will not only be immortalizing your occasion or loved one, but also be providing much needed funds to SOC,” Steele said. ” Bricks may also be customized to include your business logo or other graphic image from a catalog of clip art.” The 4″ x 8″ bricks will be $100, and can be purchased through

In another fundraiser, Shady Oaks Camp (SOC) is partnering with Bakers Square and offers two types of pie cards. A Fruit or Baked Pie Card cost $12.50; and a Cream Pie Card is $15.00. The cards do not expire, so stock up! SOC families receive half of the profits made during this fundraiser on each pie card that they sell. To purchase Bakers Square Pie Cards, contact Mary Pisano at (708) 532-1916 or

Orland Township is looking for a few good men!

Orland Township is hosting a Senior Speed Dating event for Township residents ages 60 and over. The ladies’ spots are all filled, however, there are still some spots open for eligible men. The event will be held beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday at 94 West Grill and Tavern, 15410 94th Ave. To register, call the Township at (708) 403-4222. A cash donation of $10 to benefit the food pantry is suggested.